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Voter Information

Make it count

Your voice matters in shaping the future of Lethbridge County. By voting in the upcoming election, you're making an impact on the decisions that affect our roads, agriculture, services and more.

Why vote?

  • Support leaders who reflect your vision for our community.
  • Play a role in shaping the future of Lethbridge County.
  • Strengthen the democratic process.

It's your community, your choice. Let's shape the future together.

Voter Registration

*NEW* In 2025, the County (in association with the Provincial Government) will establish an Electors Register based on the provincial voters registry. There will be a way to check online if you are on the registry and instructions on how to be added to the registry if you are not.

Voter Eligibility

According to Section of the Local Authorities Election Act, a person is eligible to vote in an election held pursuant to this Act if the person:

  • is at least 18 years old
  • is a Canadian citizen
  • has resided in Alberta for the 6 consecutive months immediately preceding the election day and the person's place of residence is located in the area on election day.

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