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Planning and Development

Construction on a building in Lethbridge County

The Planning and Development department oversees and manages day-to-day planning matters for the County, and assists with the responsibilities of the Development Authority pursuant to the Municipal Government Act. The department is also responsible for processing development applications and agreements, providing interpretation, explanation and guidance to members of the general public, developers and landowners, Administration, Council and related Boards and responsible for initiating changes, interpretation and enforcement of the Land Use Bylaw.

Functions & Links

  1. Planning Resources
  2. Municipal Development Plans and Bylaws 
    • includes information on requests to amend a bylaw
  3. Approved Development Permits
  4. Do I Need a Permit?
  5. Apply for a Development Permit
  6. Development Agreements
  7. Certificate of Compliance
  8. Forms & Documents (Development & Building Permit Applications, Schedule of Fees)
  9. Safety Code Permits
  10. Subdivision Applications
  11. Signs/Fences/Landscaping
  12. Property for Sale
  13. Property for Lease

Core Activities

This department is primarily responsible for the review and processing of rezoning, development and subdivision applications ensuring that development occurs in compliance with the Land Use Bylaw, Municipal Development Plan and Municipal Government Act.

Department staff provide the Council and the public with information and interpretation of regulations on planning, development and the subdivision of land in the County.

Hilary Janzen, RPP, MCIP
Manager, Planning and Development
Call 403-328-5525