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No Spray Agreements

Lethbridge County’s Agricultural Services roadside spraying program for weed control will commence any time after May 1, 2025.

Weed spraying is done during the growing season on County roads, as well as numbered highways. Pre-emergent herbicide is applied on some low use roads. Spray trucks are equipped with low-drift nozzles to greatly reduce off-target application, and applicators are constantly monitoring wind speed and direction.

If you do not want roadside spraying done next to your property, you can enter into an agreement with the County in which you will put up a “No Spray Zone” sign (supplied by Lethbridge County) and you will also be responsible for weed control in that area.

Signs must be picked up by May 1, 2025 from the Lethbridge administration office (#100, 905 4 Avenue S).  Office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The personal information requested on this form is being collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The information collected will be used for the purpose for which it was collected, which is for No Spray Agreements. For further information about the collection and use of this information please contact Lethbridge County by e-mail (click the link to e-mail: Contact FOIP Coordinator) or call (403)328-5525.

Call 403-732-5333
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

The County is obligated to control noxious and prohibited noxious weeds to comply with Provincial Weed Control Act regulations. Weeds left to establish in the right-of-way can spread into adjacent farmland, costing farmers yields. Herbicide use is part of our integrated management plan for weed control, which also includes mowing and hand pulling, where appropriate. Spraying is carried out on a three-year rotational basis within the County. However, areas not scheduled for spraying may receive spot treatment where controlled weeds are identified or reported.

Each spring, landowners can apply to enter into a "No Spray Agreement" with the County. The County will then post a supplied “No Spray Zone” sign in the designated area. However, the landowner is responsible for weed control in that area and is liable under the Weed Control Act where regulated weeds are not controlled.

The County’s rights-of-way are not considered a “buffer zone” for organic farming purposes. If a buffer zone is required, it must be on the landowner’s property. With most organic operations a No Spray Agreement would be the best option.

Noxious weeds can spread rapidly, causing severe crop losses and economic hardship. This regulatory weed designation allows the County to execute established management practices to contain the spread of invasive noxious weeds. Severe measures are employed where there is a demonstrated significant risk of ecological or economic impact. 

Prohibited noxious weeds are highly competitive and can spread rapidly. This regulatory weed designation allows a municipality to perform ‘Early Detection, Rapid Response’ actions to control these prolific weeds. While these weeds are rare in Alberta, they can occur in isolated locations where eradication is considered achievable.

County weed inspectors are available to assist with advice to identify and control noxious and prohibited noxious weeds. Call 403-732-5333 to get in touch with a weed inspector. 

Another good resource is the Alberta Invasive Plant Identification Guide.